
Embed your own community
Add your own real-time chat widget on any site or app to create StackOverflow like discussions for any topic Try it now

How it works

Parot allows anyone to build a community into any site or app by simply adding in a widget. Like embedding your own StackOverflow on a business, product or content page.

Setup steps

  1. Simple create a post on for a discussion on a particular topic like Twitter, or a channel for multiple topics.
  2. Apply controls to your post and channel to restrict how users can respond, the word count, type of content (videos, images, rich text) and more.
  3. Embed our widget onto your site with the topic ID as a parameter.
  4. Immediately have a forum with real-time updates, moderation and your community embedded onto any site or app.


🔶 Real-Time Discussions

Everything is real-time and live, just like Slack.

🔶 Dynamic Voting System

WIth upvoting and downvoting you community can promote the relevant content and hide what isn't important.

🔶 Reply control

When posting, choose how users can respond, how many characters, whether images and videos are available. How many levels of replies are allowed.

🔶 Rich-text editing

Allow users to post code, add links, quote or mention users in posts and more.

Sign up to our closed beta

Our vision

By distributing chat capabilities across businesses we want to enable a system like StackOverflow for any business, community or topic. Allowing users to to keep information up to date and relevant. The more relevant a users post is, the higher score it will be. The higher score they get, the more revenue they generate.



How do users benefit?

StackOverflow had a great system where users that create relevant contributions and scored highly. But this score is restricted to StackOverflow. We want users to be able to generate revenue from their score and to allow them to improve content for multiple topics, whether it's for business or education.

How do businesses benefit.

Businesses can outsource the content updates to the wider community to continue to post, update and ensure information is relevant and accurate.